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Kyzer Campaign Platform


Increase Transparency in the Walker County School System


•Provide an open review of the school system budget focusing on the most effective and INNOVATIVE use of public funds.

•Provide a detailed and published review of the school system budget providing EVIDENCE of meeting the needs of ALL schools, ALL students, and ALL communities.

•Post ALL central office jobs selecting the most qualified individuals to effectively perform the jobs duties assigned.

•Establish a transparent applicant selection process to ensure the best candidates are selected based on current/past leadership performance (central office and school leaders).


Establish Equity in the Walker County School System


•Establish a budget committee made up of knowledgeable stakeholders (parents, teachers, principals, central office leaders, local community leaders, business owners, etc.) to develop a priority-based budget based on the needs of ALL schools as every school and student should have the same opportunity to succeed!

•Conduct multi-year reviews of the district budget to ensure EQUITY for ALL schools, ALL students, and ALL communities.

•Fund and support the technical programs offered at the Walker County Center of Technology.

•Hire and support art/music teachers to serve all schools.


Improve Accountability & Support (District Level and School Level)


•Create a multi-year vision that lays the foundation of yearly strategic plans targeting the needs of each school.

•Develop benchmarks allowing for self-assessment and stakeholder assessment of a priority-based budget and instructional progress/performance.

•Provide support and professional development as needed to ensure effective leadership (central office and school leaders).

•Provide support and professional development (school leaders and teachers) to improve instruction and increase proficiency in all state assessed subject areas.

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